Transalted using google so is not perfect
Oshossi / Ochosi: is the tracker, the browser that comes before the hunt to find the way for food and gambling.
The path must be found so that it can be cleaned.
It is in this way that Ogun and Oshossi work together, the orisha Oshosi is known as among the greatest hunter. No one knows his way in the forest better than Oshossi.
The ASE Oshossi is endured by his pampered Odidë (The Parrot). The Speckled Bird was called "the kö gbo Odidë Ògún". The parrot, which collects the medicine for hunting. The parrot is always the first one for Oshosi when he returns from hunting and before leaving the house to go hunting, ochosis alway tell his parrot "Odidë gan fi di ja" which translates as "Parrot lead me beyond fear.
"The Orissa reminds us that we are in constant flux with the Universe and Nature.
It's the best of hunters, always goes along with Oggún after a pact they made in Orula house , since then , hey agreed that they were necessary to each other, and they were not body if they were separated
The Greater orisha . Son of Yemaya. Patron of those with problems of justice, magician, fortune teller, warrior, hunter and fisherman.
In guemileres dances with Oshun.
His number is three and speaks in Diloggún by two (Eyioko).
His days are Monday, Wednesday and four of each month.
His name is Ochosi Ode Mata, catolizado St. Norbert. With Ochosi Ebbó is to do well in surgical operations, as relates to Abbata, Santo is part of Inle.
Attribute is incorporated as a scalpel. Lives in Jail.
In Kimbisa rule. Ochosi Oggún and go together and called LuFo Ochosi Kuyu or Watariamba.
ATTRIBUTES: Any instrument relating to hunting and fishing, tarramentas deer and hunting trophies.
Three arrows Ochosi tools (such as those used by warriors), three dogs, a mirror, a piece of deer jar, a hook, a bow and arrow
To the uninitiated NECKLACES given a chain (two strings of beads and Prussian blue one stretch of amber, topped four snails in pairs separated by amber). Also amber beads, leopard fangs and snails. The most common is with coral beads. And also with beads and coral Prussian blue alternating. According to Martinez Fure, matipós greens.
ANIMALS: Goat and deer, rooster and chicken, pigeon, guinea pig, quail, every bird hunted