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Here is an overview of Cuban Santería:Cuban Santería, also known as Regla de Ocha or Lucumí, is a syncretic religion that originated in Cuba and is a blend of Yoruba traditions brought over by African slaves and Catholicism imposed by Spanish colonizers. It combines elements of African spiritual practices with Roman Catholicism, resulting in a unique and vibrant religious tradition.Key aspects of Cuban Santería include:1. Orishas: Central to Cuban Santería are the Orishas, which are deities or spirits that represent different aspects of nature and human life. Followers of Santería believe in the power and influence of the Orishas in...

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Santeria Osha Special is a unique and powerful product that offers a deep dive into the world of Santeria, an Afro-Cuban religion that blends elements of Catholicism with traditional African beliefs. In this blog post, we will explore the fascinating world of Santeria Osha Special and how it can enhance your spiritual journey. What is Santeria Osha Special? Santeria Osha Special is a comprehensive guide and ritual kit that allows individuals to connect with the Orishas, the deities of Santeria. This special package includes everything you need to perform authentic Santeria rituals, including herbs, candles, and sacred objects. With Santeria...

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La religion Yoruba es una religión de origen africano que se ha expandido en diferentes partes del mundo, incluyendo Cuba. La religión Yoruba se basa en las creencias y prácticas de los pueblos Yoruba de Nigeria y Benín. Durante el periodo de la trata de esclavos, muchos africanos fueron capturados y llevados a las Américas, incluyendo a Cuba. Los esclavos africanos fueron separados de sus familias, lenguas y culturas, y se vieron obligados a adaptarse a las nuevas condiciones de vida en América. A pesar de esto, muchos africanos en Cuba mantuvieron sus creencias y prácticas religiosas y comenzaron a...

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Elegua is an Orisha, or deity, in the Afro-Caribbean religion of Santeria. Elegua is considered to be the messenger of the gods and is associated with roads, doors, and crossroads. He is also considered to be a trickster and is often depicted as mischievous and playful. In Santeria, Elegua is revered and invoked for protection, good luck, and guidance. Offerings and rituals are made to Elegua to honor him and request his assistance in various aspects of life.

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When you hear the roar of thunder, or you see a magnificent thunderbolt hurling from the sky to the ground, you're seeing the handiwork of the Orisha named, in the santeria belief, Chango. In fact when you see or hear thunder, according to this belief, you're seeing him yourself. He an an extremely attractive man with a fine physique that rides on a white horse. He loves to dance, he is the owner of the bata drum and he knows how to get a party going. The story of chango is this. Elegua, who was known for her information, was telling a story at a party that chango was attending about how...

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